👀 Check out the changes in Suspensive v2. read more →


@suspensive/react’s <Suspense/> will be just Suspense of original React.


fallback works the same as fallback of original React’s Suspense.

import { Suspense } from '@suspensive/react'
const Example = () => (
  <Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
    <Children />

Default fallback

<Suspense/> are more powerful when used with <DefaultPropsProvider/>. Control multiple <Suspense/>s default fallback with <DefaultPropsProvider/>. Details are introduced in <DefaultPropsProvider/> page.

Avoid Server side rendering (clientOnly)

If you use clientOnly prop, <Suspense/> will return fallback in server and return children in client.

import { Suspense } from '@suspensive/react'
const Example = () => (
  <Suspense clientOnly fallback={<Loading />}>
    <Children />

When using the clientOnly prop, the useIsClient hook is used internally, and useIsClient uses getSnapshot and getServerSnapshot of useSyncExternalStore to ensure that it is a client.

const useIsClient = () =>
  useSyncExternalStore(emptySubscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot)
const emptySubscribe = () => noop
const getSnapshot = () => true
const getServerSnapshot = () => false


Migration support SSR gradually (<Suspense clientOnly/> -> <Suspense/>)

If you want to use Suspense working in both SSR/CSR, You can change <Suspense clientOnly/> to <Suspense/> gradually.